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Voice is not what I DO, It's who I AM.  

                                                         - Dansby Sturdivant
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"The Gathering"

Artist ministering and sharing with each other in honest communication:






Preparation, perseverance, persistence, and practice are what will build your voice.



80% of singing is confidence, which means believing, trusting, and living as though what you want will come to pass.



Picture yourself on that stage, in that arena, singing that song, because of the work you put in vocally.

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 The 3 C's of VOICE:

  • Confidence

  •  Control

  • Commitment


DOVS: Vocal Training System

This class offers step by step instructions for vocal improvement.

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DOVS Offers:

30,45, and 60-minute lessons at affordable cost between $30 and $60.

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Group Classes

These weekly classes will help build quality, range, and, effectiveness in your in voice. Make it a powerful part of your daily routine.


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Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Dansby your vocal coach, yes you can sing no matter your vocal experience. Come develop the three C's of voice confidence, control, and commitment. Treat yourself to vocal freedom!

More about me

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Become a member to get unlimited access and explore the heights and depths of your vocal range.




Bring a friend get 15% of first month.

  • Unlimited access to guest artists
  • Unlimited vocal classes
  • Unlimited access vocal training system
  • Access one Master Class
  • Access to online resources
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Be featured on the "Vocal Tips Show"

  • Unlimited access to guest artists
  • Unlimited vocal classes
  • Unlimited access vocal training system
  • Access one Master Class
  • Access to online resources
  • One free 1:1 coaching session.
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